Encor is an online service that lets you create a digital card that consolidates all your social medias into one. By having one unique link to all your handles connecting is now faster, easier and simpler than ever.

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We are a team of four university students who founded Encor because we wanted to make a difference and help others during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the transition to remote work and learning, it has become even more difficult to connect with new people. That is why we wanted to create a platform that would solve exactly this and take it a step further by improving your online presence. Backed by the Queen's Innovation Centre (DDQIC), we are proud to say we’re ready to help you grow your connections and social media. Sign up now for free at encor.cc


Created End-to-end User Experience, and Brand Identify.


Lead Front-end Developer, creating over 20+ reusable components. Developed various SVG files using Airbnb Lottie Web.